When comparing AquaTru to other filters or purifiers, it is crucial to compare them apples to apples by looking at what NSF standards a product is certified to meet. Beware of products and companies that only rely on internal or company testing to make contaminant removal claims. Only four labs in the US can test and certify to these standards: NSF, IAPMO, WQA, and UL. When you get tested and certified with one of these labs, they test the filter to the end of life to ensure that it performs just as well on the last gallon of water filtered as the first gallon filtered.
AquaTru uses a 4-Stage Reverse Osmosis purification process and has been tested and certified by IAPMO to meet NSF standards 41, 53, 58, 401, and P473 for water filters, which includes 83 contaminants. Our filters have been tested with over 600 gallons of water to ensure that they meet this requirement. All tested and certified filters will have a datasheet. In addition, you will be able to go to the testing lab website to see the certification, in our case, at this link: https://pld.iapmo.org/ AquaTru is listed on the IAPMO website under AquaTru LLC. Select “listee name” and search for AquaTru LLC.
We also provide our performance data sheets for our purifiers on our website. View our transparent test results for our countertop models here and for our under the sink models here.
AquaTru has a filter life indicator that will calculate how many gallons have been produced and will alert you when it is time to replace the filters, making sure that AquaTru will always deliver clean and pure water.